University of Cambridge archaeologists, Britt Baillie, Alex Pryor and Carenza Lewis, recently joined forces with residents of West Wickham for a successful weekend of test pit digging.

The event, organised by West Wickham & District Local History Club with support from Access Cambridge Archaeology and Cambridge Community Heritage, was held on 13 – 14 July.

Supported by the University of Cambridge Public Engagement Team, the Cambridge Community Heritage project led by archaeologist Dr Carenza Lewis aims to bring university researchers and communities together to develop new ideas for projects investigating local heritage. The Cambridge Community Heritage project involves archaeologists and historians from the University of Cambridge with a wide range of interests who have considerable experience of working with community groups.

Overseen by resident Janet Morris, the Local History Club organised community members to take part in 18 test pit excavations to inspire, stimulate and engage wider interest in the history of the village, its environs, and discover when and where settlement had taken place in the parish of West Wickham.

One resident wrote to Cambridge Community Heritage after the event with glowing praise and sincere thanks for the team involved in organising and running the event:

Dear Sirs,

Our village, West Wickham, Cambridge had a village dig this past weekend. Thanks to the local historian, Janet Morris, much interest was generated and 18 test pits were dug all over our rather stretched-out village. The two days were hugely successful and generated much enthusiasm.

I would like to praise the excellent organisation and work of your archaeological team – Carenza Lewis, Alex Pryor and Britt Baillie. Their thoroughness, support, expertise and endless energy were essential to the success of the weekend. Somehow there were frequent visits from someone in the team. They appeared on bicycles regularly and were always full of advice, encouragement and instruction.

The follow-up meeting on Sunday afternoon was a good idea. Everyone’s finds were on display and Carenza Lewis summarised the finds. Of course, we all eagerly await the results of more careful analysis.
I have lived in this village since 1972 and have never seen the village come together so united in one common pursuit.

I understand that these projects are Lottery Funded and think that they are money well spent; the work furthers historical study and knowledge, brings history alive for ordinary people and boosts community feeling.

Many thanks to all concerned!

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