Topic description and stories

Life on Earth is at risk from an unprecedented rate of environmental change that threatens the natural resources on which we depend.


Insects hold atomic clues about the type of habitats in which they live

14 Mar 2011

Researchers discover an ‘atmospheric imprint’ in insects, revealing where they are most likely to survive should climate change alter their ecosystem...

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Interviewing a forest villager

Nature dialogues: whose ecosystem?

01 Nov 2010

Finding the right balance between global and local demands on the natural world could help reduce poverty.

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First biodiversity symposium looks to future

16 Sep 2010

Cambridge Conservation Initiative’s (CCI), inaugural symposium, held on Wednesday, focused on how to conserve natural capital and the...

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Scientists plot key sites for tiger’s last stand

14 Sep 2010

Efforts to protect the wild tiger should be intensively focused on a few key sites if conservationists are to have any chance of saving it from...

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To save biodiversity, society’s behaviour must change

09 Sep 2010

Leading conservationists warn that in order to save biodiversity, society's behaviour must change.

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Bee in flight

Translating science for conservation: bees benefit first

08 Sep 2010

A project to make conservation science accessible and relevant to conservationists and policymakers launches its first major synopsis of evidence, on...

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Trawling survives selling previously discarded fish

03 Aug 2010

Fishermen barely eking out a profit because of overfishing of their target stock, shrimp, are now surviving by selling their bycatch (the low-value...

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Elephant family - Masai Mara

Large mammals declining in Africa’s parks

13 Jul 2010

African national parks such as Masai Mara and the Serengeti have seen populations of large mammals decline by up to 59 per cent, Cambridge...

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All abuzz about petals

01 May 2010

The amazing diversity of flowers is a biological mystery that has long intrigued scientists. Dr Beverley Glover explains how new understanding of...

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Red Canoes at Lake Louise

New research shows a global trend in nature-based tourism

29 Jun 2009

A new study out today found that many nations throughout the world, including the United Kingdom, are seeing an annual increase in visitors to their...

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Heliconius melpomene

On the wings of a butterfly

01 May 2009

Since Darwin’s time, Amazonian butterflies have intrigued biologists as examples of evolution in action.

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Vulpia grass

Displaying the foundations of evolutionary thinking

01 May 2009

Collaboration between the University Herbarium and Microsoft Research Ltd has made a unique botanical collection available to a world-wide audience...

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