Topic description and stories

Research is tackling the need to reduce energy demand, maintain energy supply, increase the efficiency of energy-requiring processes, and develop policy and pricing strategies. To find out more about our research in energy, visit the Energy Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) website

Nerve cell

New hopes for the nervous system: Parkinson's disease

01 Jan 2009

The way a common virus hijacks the cell it infects could hold the clue to combating Parkinson's disease.

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Vinegarroon, Thelyphonida, uropygids, insect 19 Sept 2010

Like an arrow: jumping insects use archery techniques

01 Oct 2008

Froghoppers, the champion jumpers of the insect world, can leap 100 times their body length by using a structure similar to an archer's bow.

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The Large Hadron Collider/ATLAS at CERN

World’s largest experiment starts today

08 Sep 2008

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being switched on today, marking one of the most important events in modern science.

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Lean machines: environmentally friendly engines

01 Sep 2008

An industrial-grade aerospace gas turbine combustion simulator – the first of its kind in the UK and one of only a dozen worldwide – is ready for ‘...

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‘Super’ superalloys: hotter, stronger, for even longer

01 Sep 2008

Only a single class of engineering materials can withstand the extreme conditions deep within a jet aeroplane engine – the nickel-base superalloys...

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Enhancing CAPE-abilities in photonics and electronics

01 Sep 2008

A unique model of industrial-academic partnership is demonstrating how UK R&D can stay ahead of the game in a rapidly moving electronics market...

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Land of the (early) rising sun

20 Aug 2008

They say that early to bed, early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy and wise; but in Japan, it may also be feeding a nationalist revival not seen...

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Mclaren F1 Lewis Hamilton

Secrets of the inerter revealed

19 Aug 2008

A Cambridge University invention which was kept a closely-guarded secret because of the hidden advantage it offered to a Formula 1 racing team is...

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drawing CAD

Designing sustainable cities of the future

01 May 2008

As more people become city-dwellers, can we design cities to be more sustainable?

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under the sea

Under the sea

27 Mar 2008

Scientists explore huge volume of molten rock now frozen into the crust under the ocean’s floor.

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Prototype solar panel

Sunny times ahead for solar power

08 Feb 2008

A new initiative funded by the Carbon Trust hopes to make solar power an affordable choice for homeowners within 10 years.

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The Sun

Affordable solar power on the horizon

05 Oct 2007

Environmentally friendly solar panels may be an affordable alternative to conventional power sources within the next ten years, as a result of a new...

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