The Department for Education has supported the application by the University of Cambridge to establish a University Training School as part of its North West Cambridge Development.
The Department for Education has supported the application by the University of Cambridge to establish a University Training School as part of its North West Cambridge Development.
In partnership with schools and Teaching School alliances, the UCTS will build on the outstanding training already provided by the Faculty, thereby enabling it to play a lead national role in the enhancement of teacher quality, student learning and strategies for school improvement.
Professor Peter Gronn, Head of the Faculty of Education
The University of Cambridge Training School (UCTS) will have an explicit focus on research-based exemplary teaching and learning practice.
The school will be a three-form-entry primary school located as part of the North West Cambridge Development, a new sustainable urban extension to Cambridge.
It will be a highly inclusive school in which pupil diversity is welcomed and where all children will be encouraged and enabled to excel.
Its admissions policy will be developed in consultation with existing Cambridge primary schools, as an expression of the University’s commitment to the principle of partnership.
The first priority of the school will be to provide a high-quality primary education to all its pupils.
In addition, as a University Training School, the school will be closely linked to the University of Cambridge’s Faculty of Education and will join the well-established network of partner schools which work together to provide a PGCE programme that is rated by Ofsted as outstanding.
The UCTS will fulfil its University Training School function by the inclusion of a centre for research, the focus of which will be student learning, teacher learning, and the relationships between them. Partnership schools and local families will have the opportunity to shape the research programme, which will be agreed between the Faculty of Education and the UCTS Headteacher and teaching staff.
By bridging school-led teacher training, and school-focused academic research, the University will create an integrated and holistic learning community for children and adults that is unique in the UK.
Professor Peter Gronn, Head of the Faculty of Education, said: “We are delighted with this announcement and that the UCTS will proceed. In partnership with schools and Teaching School alliances, the UCTS will build on the outstanding training already provided by the Faculty, thereby enabling it to play a lead national role in the enhancement of teacher quality, student learning and strategies for school improvement”.
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