Topic description and stories

Head up display of traffic information and weather as seen by the driver

Using machine learning to monitor driver ‘workload’ could help improve road safety

07 Dec 2023

Researchers have developed an adaptable algorithm that could improve road safety by predicting when drivers are able to safely interact with in-...

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3D printed retaining wall

Cambridge researchers help develop smart, 3D printed concrete wall for National Highways project

13 Jul 2023

Cambridge researchers, working in partnership with industry, have helped develop the first 3D-printed piece of concrete infrastructure to be used on...

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A highway cuts across the Yunnan Province of Southwest China, part of the Greater Mekong.

Road planning 'trade off' could boost food production while helping protect tropical forests

15 Dec 2016

Scientists hope a new approach to planning road infrastructure that could increase crop yield in the Greater Mekong region while limiting...

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A caravan of logging trucks along a forest road in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

Study shows where on the planet new roads should and should not go

28 Aug 2014

Researchers have created a ‘large-scale zoning plan’ that aims to limit the environmental costs of road expansion while maximizing its benefits for...

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Forest clearing along roads in the southern Brazilian Amazon (in Rondônia)

Roads could help rather than harm the environment

20 Mar 2013

Many roads are causing irreparable damage to nature but properly planned roads could actually help the environment

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Hurricane Katrina makes landfall in the US. Speaking this week in Cambridge, engineer Tom O’Rourke will describe such disasters as game-changers for those wishing to protect people from similar, future events.

Natural disasters, infrastructure and the “new normal”

15 Jan 2013

The Japanese and Canterbury earthquakes, Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy and a host of other modern natural disasters have changed the game for those...

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Using real-time road traffic data to evaluate congestion

26 Jan 2012

A new project has shown that by using existing sources of information about traffic flow it is possible to create a minute-by-minute image of...

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