Topic description and stories

Dust ring around the star Fomalhaut taken by ALMA

Opening new windows on the Universe

20 Oct 2012

Advances in telescope technology being developed at Cambridge will drive a revolutionary period of discovery in astronomy.

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Professor Stephen Hawking, Andrey Kaliazin (Centre for Theoretical Cosmology), Mike Woodacre (SGI), Paul Shellard (Centre for Theoretical Cosmology) and Simon Appleby (SGI)

Hawking launches supercomputer

20 Jul 2012

The new COSMOS@DiRAC supercomputer will advance our understanding of the origin and structure of our universe.

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The Alps

Avalanches and life as we know it up for discussion at summer exhibition

03 Jul 2012

The dynamics of an avalanche and the origins of the Universe will be the subjects of two presentations to the public by Cambridge researchers as part...

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The galaxy NGC 4151. Researchers were able to use this galaxy to accumulate data about flares coming from a mysterious X-ray source close to the giant black hole at its centre.

“Echo” of light augurs new era in study of black holes

31 May 2012

A long-sought “echo” of light that promises to reveal more about supersized black holes in distant galaxies has been identified by an international...

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Gaia Deployable Sunshield Assembly

Twinkle, twinkle, little star: I’m going to know what you are

26 Apr 2012

A team of astronomers at the University of Cambridge is taking the next big step in a European-wide programme which will lead to the creation of the...

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John, in front of the 12-metre-diameter antennas at the ALMA Array Operations Site

‘Extreme Sleepover #8’ – unlocking the universe from the Atacama desert

29 Dec 2011

In the eighth of a series of reports contributed by Cambridge researchers, we hear about Dr John Richer’s night-time research activities at the ALMA...

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Artist impression of Sagittarius

A beast with four tails

30 Nov 2011

The Milky Way galaxy continues to devour its small neighbouring dwarf galaxies and the evidence is spread out across the sky.

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Artist's impression of a dwarf galaxy seen from the surface of a hypothetical exoplanet.

Dark matter is smoother than we thought

25 Oct 2011

If a galaxy is seen as a peach, the standard cosmological model portrays dark matter as the ‘pit at its centre’. Now a study of two dwarf galaxies by...

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Leonardo Da Vinci's depiction of the Last Supper

The Penultimate Supper?

17 Apr 2011

The Last Supper of Jesus Christ was on the Wednesday, and not the Thursday, before his death, according to a new study which claims to have solved “...

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Stellar spirals throw up new clues on galactic evolution

21 Mar 2011

An international team of astronomers have identified a thick stellar disc in the Andromeda galaxy, which will help them to understand more about how...

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Sir Fred Hoyle

The private world of astronomy’s faded star

18 Mar 2011

A huge archive belonging to the astronomer Fred Hoyle, displayed online and at a Cambridge college, sheds new light on one of the most controversial...

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cosmic climate change

Astronomers find evidence of cosmic climate change

23 Dec 2010

Evidence of an intense warming period in the Universe’s early history, described as a form of “cosmic climate change”, has been found by an...

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