The United States Government sought to sexually stimulate then frustrate its soldiers to prepare them for an unpopular conflict in Europe, a...
A newly decoded map shows that the famous explorer William Clark planned the theft of 10.5 million acres of Indigenous land in Missouri, USA in the...
Dr Robert Lee, University lecturer in American History, has been awarded a George Polk Award, one of the most prestigious in journalism, for his...
Distinct psychological mix associated with mountain populations is consistent with the theory that harsh frontiers attracted certain personalities...
New research using ancient DNA finds that a population split after people first arrived in North America was maintained for millennia before mixing...
A thousand-year-old tooth has provided genetic evidence that the so-called “Taíno”, the first indigenous Americans to feel the full impact of...
Professor Andrew Preston examines the origins of the first hundred days as a measure of presidential success in American politics.
Dr Emily Charnock, Lecturer in American History, delivers her verdict as the Trump presidency reaches its first major milestone.
David Reynolds (Faculty of History) and Kristina Spohr (London School of Economics and Political Science) discuss current relations between the US...
The story of Native North America – from its vast contribution to world culture, to the often taboo social problems of drinking, gambling and...
Letters and papers revealing in detail how human beings were priced for sale during the 18th century Transatlantic Slave Trade have been made...
The Choir of Clare College will tomorrow (5 July 2014) perform a special concert at West Road as tribute to outgoing Master and eminent historian...