Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora 1CCCC, MS 26, f.127v (Parker Library)

"And the girl he immersed in the font he took out as a boy"

02 May 2014

A conference taking place today in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic is the first step in an ambitious graduate-led project to create an online database of the diverse and often confounding miracle accounts which abound in the vast body of saintly literature produced by medieval authors. 

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Illustration from the Saga of St Olaf, Flateyjarbók, Reykjavik, Iceland

Explore the scary stories of early cultures

31 October 2012

Don’t miss the chance to learn about the rich cultures of the early British Isles in a series of free talks and readings at the Faculty of English, taking place this Saturday (3 November) as part of Cambridge University’s Festival of Ideas.

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