Cambridge-designed curriculum teaches schoolchildren about water scarcity and climate activism
17 Jan 2020Students and teachers across India now have free access to a new curriculum on water security and sustainability, co-developed by researchers at the...
The 'P' word
16 Jan 2020How do we shift our 'take, make, throw-away' plastic world towards 'recycle, recover, re-use'? It's time for blue-sky thinking plus practical...
Dr Jane Goodall on the environment: "My greatest hope is our young people"
14 Jan 2020In a new film, Dr Jane Goodall DBE talks about the environmental crisis and her reasons for hope.
Women in STEM: Angela Harper
02 Jan 2020Angela Harper is a PhD candidate at the Cavendish Laboratory, a member of Churchill College, and a Gates Cambridge Scholar. Here, she tells us about...
Strategic partner: Rolls-Royce
16 Dec 2019Researchers at Cambridge are working with Rolls-Royce to make aeroengines greener.
Opinion: Why and how to debate climate change
16 Dec 2019What's the best way to debate a problem as big and complex as climate change? In his new book, Professor Mike Hulme from the Department of Geography...
Absolute zero
11 Dec 2019Director of Cambridge Zero, Dr Emily Shuckburgh, is harnessing Cambridge expertise to tackle the climate emergency.
Ecosystems Overload
10 Dec 2019We are laying waste to the biosphere. If we're serious about saving millions of species, then it's our own that must change how it thinks about...
The climate scientist and the planet-sized problem
06 Dec 2019Dr Emily Shuckburgh is Director of Cambridge Zero, an ambitious new University climate change initiative aimed at transitioning to a zero carbon...
Extent of human encroachment into world’s protected areas revealed
28 Oct 2019Largest study yet to compare protected with “matched” unprotected land finds significantly higher increases in human pressure – primarily through...
An extra vegetarian option cuts meat consumption without denting food sales
01 Oct 2019First major study on “nudging” people towards sustainable diets shows replacing a meat or fish dish with another veggie option in college cafeterias...
Future-proofing a forest
27 Mar 2019Faced with shifting demands on landscapes and a changing climate, how do you plan for a forest’s future?