We are deeply saddened by the loss of innocent lives in Gaza and Israel. We understand this remains a hugely difficult and distressing time, particularly for students and staff with connections to the region.

University’s Humanitarian Response Fund to support students affected by conflict

The University has set up the Humanitarian Response Fund to support students impacted by conflict or humanitarian crises. This initiative, led by the University International Response Task Force, provides financial assistance to those in need.

Further information about the fund and how to apply can be found here.

Behavioural expectations and reporting

The University has zero tolerance of all forms of racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, unlawful discrimination, and abuse, including based on ethno-religious identity. In the present context, it should be noted that under the UK Terrorism Act 2000, support for a 'proscribed organisation' is a criminal offence; since November 2021, this includes Hamas.

Students can report using the Student Disciplinary Procedure or the Student Complaints Procedure. Students can also access support from the University’s Harassment and Violence Support Service at HVSS@studentsupport.cam.ac.uk. There is also guidance on reporting all forms of hate crime.

The Dignity at Work Policy sets out a Code of Behaviour for staff and workers at the University. In an environment that encourages and celebrates freedom of thought and expression, it is vital that our behaviour towards one another remains courteous and professional. We are each individually responsible for our own actions and for recognising the impact of our behaviour on others. The Dignity at Work Policy also sets out the options available for staff who believe they have experienced inappropriate behaviour. Should a member of staff wish to raise a particular concern, they should speak with their line manager or the person responsible for HR in their area or their central HR Business Partnering Team. Individuals can also discuss the matter and any guidance received on options for resolution with a colleague in confidence, a Dignity at Work Contact and/or a trade union representative when considering how to proceed.

Sources of support

Cambridge University Jewish Society

@cambridgejsoc on Instagram or email presidents.cujs@gmail.com.

Cambridge University Jewish Chaplaincy

Call, text or WhatsApp Atira on 07783367703 or email atira@mychaplaincy.co.uk.

Union of Jewish Students

Welfare Hotline: 020 7424 3288

Website: www.ujs.org.uk

To report an antisemitic incident, visit CST: cst.org.uk/report-incident (always call 999 in an emergency).

Chabad of Cambridge

See the Chabad of Cambridge's website.

Rabbi Leuven Leigh: rl324@cam.ac.uk.

Cambridge University Palestinian Society

@cambridgepalsoc on Instagram or email cambridgepalsoc@gmail.com.

Cambridge University Islamic Society

See the CU Islamic Society website.

To report an anti-Muslim incident, visit Tell Mama: tellmamauk.org (always call 999 in an emergency).

For our students

If you need support or someone to talk to, speak to your tutor, who can provide initial guidance. The University's Student Support service is also available all year round. If events in Israel and Gaza are impacting your work, please contact your Director of Studies or academic supervisor.

In addition to the links above and support from the collegiate University, charities and the NHS offer services:

  • Samaritans is an independent listening service – always available 24/7 by telephone or online chat
  • The NHS Mental Health Helpline is open 24/7 for people who need mental healthcare, if their situation is not life-threatening.

For our staff

If you need support or someone to whom to talk, we urge you to speak to your line manager. The Staff Counselling Centre is also available to provide emotional support. Staff may also wish to contact one of the University’s Wellbeing Advocates or Dignity at Work Contacts for support and advice. Support is also available from the University’s Trade Unions.

In addition to the links above and support from the collegiate University, charities and the NHS offer services:

  • Samaritans is an independent listening service – always available 24/7 by telephone or online chat
  • The NHS Mental Health Helpline is open 24/7 for people who need mental healthcare, if their situation is not life-threatening.