The University is pleased to announce the launch of the Humanitarian Response Fund to support students impacted by conflict or humanitarian crises. This initiative, led by the University International Response Task Force, provides financial assistance to those in need.


The University has pledged £100,000 to aid students facing financial difficulties due to conflicts or crises in their home countries. This fund will help cover unexpected shortfalls in living costs and exceptional caring responsibilities.


Grants will support living costs up to £5,000, in addition to any College awards and the University's standard financial assistance award of £3000 for the academic year 2023–24.

Eligibility guidance

  • Current University of Cambridge students from zones of conflict and humanitarian crises (UNICEF Level 2 and Level 3 Emergencies List). Currently (as of 16 December 2024), Syria, Lebanon, Burundi, Central African Republic, DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Palestine, Sudan, Haiti, and Myanmar.
  • Current University of Cambridge students with Refugee, Asylum Seeker, or Humanitarian Protection status. Applicants who are able to evidence they have a valid Asylum Registration Card or Biometric Residence Permit would also be eligible for support.
  • UG, PGT and PGR who have valid permission to remain in the UK and where the situation in their home country prevents them from travelling home and they are forced to remain in Cambridge.

Support will be available for child dependents who reside with the student and for other exceptional caring responsibilities where such support is required to enable the student to complete their studies.

There is no restriction on the number of times a student can apply for support. Although, if there are limits on the available resources, funds will be targeted at those most in need, and those who have not previously received support.

How to apply

Before completing the application form, please ensure you follow these steps:

  1. Use the Humanitarian Response Fund form (docx) to draft your responses and share them with your College Tutor before applying.
  2. Read the Eligibility guidance above carefully.

Complete the application form


Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis by the International Response Task Force. Outcomes will normally be communicated within 2 weeks.


The Fund will remain in operation for the rest of the calendar year 2024, to be reviewed in 2025.


Please contact the International Response Team using the email address if you have any questions about your eligibility and the application process.

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