Topic description and stories

Re-enacting the first night of television, 80 years on

02 Nov 2016

Cambridge researchers and students have recreated John Logie Baird’s cumbersome ‘flying spot’ camera for a documentary about the first live scheduled...

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365.060 - Watching TV

Use of TV, internet and computer games associated with poorer GCSE grades

04 Sep 2015

Each extra hour per day spent watching TV, using the internet or playing computer games during Year 10 is associated with poorer grades at GCSE at...

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Jason Warr

Filmed behind bars

07 Jul 2012

For thousands of people in Britain, prison is a grim reality. For the rest of us, it holds a fascination that is all too often simply prurient. Jason...

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EX-TRA-PO-LATE! Moral philosophy and the Daleks

19 Apr 2011

They’ve had viewers cowering behind the sofa since ‘Doctor Who’ began – but what exactly is it that makes people so frightened of the Daleks? A new...

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Free TV Texture

Watching religiously

20 May 2010

A new survey of the boom in religious broadcasting in the Middle East reveals how the small screen is becoming an increasingly important battlefield...

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