At the age of thirteen Mona Jebril found herself stranded in Gaza, becoming a refugee for the second time in her life. Her talent and determination...
Cambridge experiment with City of London police found that, while rarely deployed, just the presence of electroshock devices led to greater overall...
The UK lags behind other countries in preparing social scientists for the world of big data, says Dr Brendan Burchell, Director of a new centre set...
Cambridge criminologist follows up on landmark US domestic violence arrest experiment and finds that black victims who had partners arrested rather...
New research suggests public health in developing countries may be better improved by reducing illiteracy rather than raising average income.
Cambridge University’s Festival of Ideas begins today (19 October).
A conference at CRASSH later this week will address some big and highly topical questions.
One of the most famous and influential mantras of Barack Obama’s chief economic adviser – that wealthier nations are also healthier – has been called...
A new centre for the study of children's literature, which will analyse material ranging from classics such as Alice In Wonderland to Disney films...
Men who think they may lose their jobs are likely to become more depressed and anxious than women, even though they claim to be less concerned, new...
What does it mean to be a member of a family that is affected by a genetic disease? What is it like for a woman at risk of being a carrier of a...