Topic description and stories

Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, President Elect of The Royal Society

Sir Venki Ramakrishnan confirmed as President Elect of the Royal Society

19 Mar 2015

Nobel laureate Sir Venkatraman (Venki) Ramakrishnan has been confirmed as President Elect of the Royal Society.

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Transmission electron microscopy image showing a molecular chaperone (the black dots) binding to thread-like amyloid-beta (Aβ42)

Molecular inhibitor breaks cycle that leads to Alzheimer’s

16 Feb 2015

A molecular chaperone has been found to inhibit a key stage in the development of Alzheimer’s disease and break the toxic chain reaction that leads...

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Detail of an atomic force microscopy image which shows amyloid fibrils of alpha-synuclein grown out of synthetic lipid vesicles

Protein threshold linked to Parkinson’s Disease

02 Feb 2015

Excess quantities of a specific protein in the brain dramatically increase the chances of so-called “nucleation events” that could eventually result...

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Microstructures made from designer proteins

‘Hairclip’ protein mechanism explained

18 Dec 2014

New study describes a fundamental mechanism regulating a protein’s shape and function, with potential applications in biotechnology and drug...

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B-lymphocyte cell

Neighbourhood watch: New technique helps identify proteins involved in immune response

23 May 2014

A new technique developed at the University of Cambridge allows researchers to identify clusters of proteins on immune cells which are key to...

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New headway in battle against neurodegenerative diseases

15 May 2014

Conditions which may accelerate the spread of Parkinson’s disease, and a potential means of enhancing naturally-occurring defences against...

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Scientists wake up to causes of sleep disruption in Alzheimer’s disease

27 Feb 2014

New research using fruit flies with Alzheimer’s protein finds that the disease doesn’t stop the biological clock ticking, but detaches it from the...

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Left: Neuronal cells have ingested Tau protein, which appears in green (scale bar: 10 μm). Right: Optical super-resolution microscopy reveals that ingested protein (red) causes internal protein (green) to form fibrillar aggregates (scale bar: 500 nm).

Protein released from cells triggers chain reactions that could cause Alzheimer’s disease

27 Nov 2013

Researchers have shown that tiny quantities of the protein tau can be enough to kick-start an aggregation process which may explain the onset of...

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DNA code

Novel genetic mutations cause low metabolic rate and obesity

25 Oct 2013

Researchers believe the gene could be a useful therapeutic target for treating obesity and type 2 diabetes

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Image, magnified a million times, of amyloid fibril, the type of protein  structures that are formed in Alzheimer’s

Scientists identify molecular trigger for Alzheimer’s disease

21 May 2013

New research establishes nature of malfunction in protein molecules that can lead to onset of dementia.

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A group of gregarious-phase desert locusts in their final larval stage.

Why locusts swarm

20 Dec 2011

Protein associated with learning implicated in causing grasshoppers to swarm.

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Image of a cell with AP-5 showing in green, AP-1 and AP-2 in red.

Transporter 5: solving an ancient mystery of the cell

14 Nov 2011

The discovery by scientists in Cambridge and Alberta of a fifth adaptor protein – a tiny and vital component of many cells –will lay the foundations...

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