Topic description and stories

A young man's eye

Gene therapy injection in one eye surprises scientists by improving vision in both

10 Dec 2020

Injecting a gene therapy vector into one eye of someone suffering from LHON , the most common cause of mitochondrial blindness, significantly...

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Technique to regenerate the optic nerve offers hope for future glaucoma treatment

05 Nov 2020

Scientists have used gene therapy to regenerate damaged nerve fibres in the eye, in a discovery that could aid the development of new treatments for...

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Killer flies: how brain size affects hunting strategy in the insect world

09 Feb 2016

Cambridge researchers are studying what makes a brain efficient and how that affects behaviour in insects.

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Waiting area in a hospital in Palapye, Botswana

Lessons from Botswana

17 Oct 2012

Towards the end of their training, student doctors have the chance to spend an elective spell working overseas, often in developing countries...

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Dr Louise Allen

Researchers develop new test for children with vision loss

11 Oct 2011

Technology developed at the University of Cambridge to detect peripheral visual field loss in young children will enable the earlier detection of...

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Secret to night vision found

17 Apr 2009

The night vision abilities of nocturnal animals such as mice is down to the unconventional way that DNA is packaged within the nuclei of specialised...

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Fiber Optics

Guiding the light

01 Sep 2007

Pioneering research shines new light on our understanding of the way we see the world. Optical fibres have now been found to exist in vertebrate eyes...

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