Illusion involving a hidden thumb confounds capuchin and squirrel monkeys for the same reason as humans – it misdirects the expected outcomes of...
Early-life adversity has long-term effects on children’s mental health, which in turn affects cognitive functioning as teenagers, say researchers...
Children in West Africa with cognitive difficulties are going undiagnosed because the tests used to assess their mental health are based on Western...
Seven hours is the ideal amount of sleep for people in their middle age and upwards, with too little or too much sleep associated with poorer...
Cambridge-led computerised cognitive assessments transform early detection and treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Scientists have mapped an underlying “psychological signature” for people who are predisposed to holding extreme social, political or religious...
Latest research shows that reduced cognitive flexibility is associated with more 'extreme' beliefs and identities at both ends of the political...
Latest research combining social and political surveys with objective cognitive testing suggests that “cognitive flexibility” contributes to...
Sheep can be trained to recognise human faces from photographic portraits – and can even identify the picture of their handler without prior training...
A brain network previously associated with daydreaming has been found to play an important role in allowing us to perform tasks on autopilot...
Daphne Martschenko (Faculty of Education) discusses whether DNA can predict our educational achievement.
Tomas Folke (Department of Psychology) and Julia Ouzia (Anglia Ruskin University) discuss the cognitive disadvantages that may be associated with...