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From the climate crisis to personalised medicine, we are applying AI to the world’s major challenges, exploring its ethical dimensions and collaborating with industry to ensure that our research has the greatest impact.

Cambridge launches Institute for Technology and Humanity

21 November 2023

A major interdisciplinary initiative has been launched that aims to meet the challenges and opportunities of new technologies as they emerge, today and far into the future.

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Researchers design AI system to assess pain levels in sheep

01 Jun 2017

An artificial intelligence system designed by researchers at the University of Cambridge is able to detect pain levels in sheep, which could aid in...

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Centre for the Future of Intelligence joins international coalition for safe and beneficial AI

16 May 2017

The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI), a Cambridge-based research Centre exploring the nature and impact of Artificial...

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robot hand

Opinion: We could soon face a robot crimewave … the law needs to be ready

16 Apr 2017

Are robots capable of committing crime? Yes, says Christopher Markou, PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law, writing for The Conversation - but what...

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Opinion: Aliens, very strange universes and Brexit – Martin Rees

03 Apr 2017

Martin Rees is Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge, the Astronomer Royal, a member of Britain’s House of...

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DeepMind acquired the data for software that could send clinicians alerts about patients at risk of Acute Kidney Injury, but the agreement also gave it access to a substantial number of records about unaffected patients.

DeepMind-Royal Free deal is “cautionary tale” for healthcare in the algorithmic age

16 Mar 2017

A study of a deal which has allowed Google DeepMind access to millions of healthcare records argues that more needs to be done to regulate such...

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Opinion: Robots and AI could soon have feelings, hopes and rights … we must prepare for the reckoning

28 Feb 2017

Is artificial intelligence a benign and liberating influence on our lives – or should we fear an impending rise of the machines? And what rights...

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Large house spider on kitchen floor

Reconditioning the brain to overcome fear

21 Nov 2016

Researchers have discovered a way to remove specific fears from the brain, using a combination of artificial intelligence and brain scanning...

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Still from Pain in the Machine

Pain in the machine: a Cambridge Shorts film

02 Nov 2016

The pain we experience as humans has physical and emotional components. Could we develop a machine that feels pain a similar way – and would we want...

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Artificial intelligence: computer says YES (but is it right?)

20 Oct 2016

Computers that learn for themselves are with us now. As they become more common in ‘high-stakes’ applications like robotic surgery, terrorism...

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“The best or worst thing to happen to humanity” - Stephen Hawking launches Centre for the Future of Intelligence

19 Oct 2016

Artificial intelligence has the power to eradicate poverty and disease or hasten the end of human civilisation as we know it – according to a speech...

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World travel and communications recorded on Twitter

Talkin' 'bout a revolution: how to make the digital world work for us

03 Oct 2016

The digital revolution is one of the great social transformations of our time. How can we make the most of it, and also minimise and manage its risks...

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AI crossword-solving application could make machines better at understanding language

07 Mar 2016

A web-based machine language system solves crossword puzzles far better than commercially-available products, and may help machines better understand...

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