Human Rights Day

Human Rights in the United Kingdom: Where Now?

22 May 2015

Prior to the 2015 general election, the Conservative Party undertook in its manifesto to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 and to enact a British Bill of Rights. In this video, Mark Elliott addresses three key questions raised by these proposals.

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Can free movement of workers be stopped?

07 November 2014

'How can the government stem the tide of migrant workers coming to the UK?' This question has been asked with increasing vigour by those who perceive immigration as a threat rather than a benefit to the UK economy. In this video, Catherine Barnard considers whether it is possible to restrict free movement of workers under EU law, both as it now stands and going forward.

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Nicklinson - The Right to Die?

10 July 2014

Nicola Padfield explores some aspects of the important decision of the Supreme Court in Nicklinson (R (Nicklinson and another) v Ministry of Justice; R (AM) v The DPP [2014] UKSC 38) focusing on the minority judgement of Baroness Hale.

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'Is EU criminal law a threat to British justice?'

03 December 2013

In eurosceptic circles it is widely stated that European criminal justice threatens to undermine the basic values of the common law, and this is put forward as a reason why the UK should 'withdraw from the Europe'. This argument was recently put forward by Nigel Farage, of the UK Independence Party, in an article he wrote for The Independent. In this presentation Professor John Spencer subjects the argument to analysis.

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Mrs Nicola Padfield

'Vinter v UK - The Right to Hope and the Whole Life Tariff'

17 July 2013

The case of Vinter v UK was recently decided by the European Court of Human Rights, and has raised a good deal of controversy regarding the right of the United Kingdom to sentence a prisoner to a life sentence (the Whole Life Tariff) without the chance of review. 

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Dr Findlay Stark

The Criminal Defence of Marital Coercion

26 March 2013

Dr Findlay Stark examines the defence of marital coercion, which recently hit the headlines with the trials of Vicky Pryce and former Secretary of State for Energy Chris Huhne. Both were charged with perverting the course of justice over an attempt to transfer penalty points for a speeding offence.

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Re J - Uncertain Perpetrators in Child Protection Cases

04 March 2013

In Re J (Children) [2013] UKSC 9 the Supreme Court considered a child protection case involving a mother who had previously been suspected of causing significant harm to her child, and was now looking after different children in a new relationship. Brian Sloan discusses the implications of the case and analyses the Court's attempts to balance non- intervention into family life with child protection.


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Professor John Spencer

The Defects of Jury Trials

22 February 2013

In the light of the discharge of the jury in the trial of Vicky Pryce, questions have been asked about the value of the jury system. Professor John Spencer discusses the pitfalls of the system over the years and suggests ways in which the delivery of justice might be improved.

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