Thousands of our staff and students mark and contribute to dozens of Remembrance Day events across Cambridge, and will do so again this year. You can find out more about our events on this web page. On this day, Cambridge comes together to not only honour the bravery and sacrifice of Cambridge students, staff and graduates who fought and died in conflict, but the millions whose lives were forever changed by it, and helped shape our world today.

This 11 November is particularly significant for the University and the City because it marks - to the minute - the implementation of the Armistice which brought the First World War to its conclusion. This was an unhappy period in which many from the town died prematurely for a cause which a lot of them perhaps never understood completely.

Students and staff have been working for months to coordinate several special events this Remembrance Day to mark that centenary. For the Clare College service, 199 unique orders of service will be printed, each telling the story of a different soldier, who either did not take up their place at Clare or left midway through or after their studies, and were killed in action.

Newnham College has digitised a 170-page handwritten book recording the work done by more than 700 Newnham women during the First World War, which will be launched at an event at the College on 5 November.

One of our students recently made a film about a Trinity College student who died just a few weeks before the end of the First World War, and you can watch it on the University of Cambridge YouTube channel.

With the widespread commitment and dedication to honouring the fallen on Remembrance Day, we hope that this is noted over and above the one recent debate among a small group of students - that after all focused on whether the wording around Remembrance Day should be global, rather than national, and has been misrepresented in media reports. 

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