Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq


For information on Iraq since May 2003, please visit

What can I do about sanctions on Iraq?

This page is a set of suggestions which you might like to consider if you find yourself wanting to "do something" about the human suffering inflicted by sanctions on Iraq but don't know where to start! A good place to start is our set of ideas for "12 activities for 12 years of sanctions", compiled for the UK National Week of Action (3-11 August 2002).

To supplement this set, a variety of different activities are listed below which will suit different types of people, and take varying amounts of time.

Get informed

The more you know about sanctions on Iraq, the better you will be able to campaign, the more confident you will be explaining your views to others, and the more difficult it will be for those who disagree with you to accuse you of using inaccurate information or being manipulated by political agendas.

Understand the basic issues

The quantity of information about sanctions on Iraq can be very daunting. However it doesn't take long to understand the basic issues. A good place to start reading is the Guide to Sanctions on this website. Once you have this knowledge you will be able to persuade others of your position.

Stay in touch

Join CASI's email announcements list, which carries occasional messages about our activities and newsletters. If you are keen to keep up to date with the latest news about Iraq, to read or participate in discussions among anti-sanctions activists, or you would like to participate in a forum where you can ask questions, then you could join our discussion list. If you are in the UK you might also like to contact Voices in the Wilderness UK who produce a very readable and informative monthly printed newsletter about sanctions on Iraq.

Join in with current campaign activities

Join in with any current campaigns you see highlighted on our website (check the upcoming events page).

Spread the word

Write to your political representative

This really is worth doing: if political representatives (MPs, Members of Congress, MEPs, etc) are aware that a significant number of their constituents object to their government's policy on Iraq then the message will gradually filter up! They will also be forced to think about the issue and will be encouraged to stand up against government policy.

For those in the UK: find out who your MP is, then write to them at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. Alternatively you can send them a fax, for free, via, although a letter may have more impact. You might also like to write directly to the Foreign Secretary at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH). You can also find the names and email addresses of British MEPs in order to write to them. If you would like suggestions for the contents and destinations for letters, Voices in the Wilderness UK organise a monthly letter-writing campaign which you could join.

Your letter can be very simple and short. In the UK, the reply you receive will quite likely be a copy of, or based on, standard letters produced by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Be aware that they use all sorts of sly tricks to justify their position, sometimes quoting misleading information which has long been proved incorrect or unrepresentative. Feel free to contact us if you would like help responding to the Government's letters.

Write to the press

Writing letters to newspapers in response to articles about Iraq is an excellent way to make your point to a large audience. Even if your letter isn't published, the more letters received on a particular subject, the more likely they are to print at least one of them. Some tips for writing to the media are given in a Voices UK briefing. Arab Media Watch also provide good suggestions on writing to the media, and have a comprehensive list of ways of contacting major media outlets in the UK.

Organise a local event

Raise awareness in your community by organising a speaker meeting at your local church / mosque / school / community centre. We can advise about possible speakers.

If there isn't an anti-sanctions campaign group near you, why not start one? Feel free to contact us for advice.

Support existing campaign groups

Make a donation

Like most campaign groups, CASI is always short of resources. Financial donations (however small) towards our campaigning work are always very welcome. We promise to use your money very carefully and efficiently!

If you would like to donate to groups which illegally export/import goods to/from Iraq in protest of sanctions, you may wish to contact Voices in the Wilderness UK (or US), or you may wish to support a different campaign group.

If you would like to donate to charities supplying aid to Iraqi civilians, have a look at our charities page.

Join the CASI team

CASI believes that providing accurate information about sanctions on Iraq is of the utmost importance. The continuation of economic sanctions on Iraq would be impossible once the majority of the public and policy makers understand the reality of what sanctions on Iraq have done. We believe that CASI's work - essentially the honest investigation of sanctions on Iraq by a small group of dedicated students - has moved the sanctions debate forward in a small but significant way.

If you feel able to help with CASI's work in any way, please do contact us. If you are in Cambridge we would welcome your help in our committee: we are always full of ideas and short of people power to implement them! If you are outside Cambridge there may still be things you can help with: much of our work is carried out electronically. To learn more about what CASI does, see the About CASI page.

Do also investigate campaign groups other than CASI.


This archive site is hosted by the Iraq Analysis Group, to whom queries should be directed