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[casi-analysis] Mass Graves in Iraq

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The importance of preserving and forensicly analysing mass graves is vital -
Tom's posting - and highlighted in the last para of the article -

"You have to ask people to wait even though we may never be able to giv=
e all the answers," said Haglund. "But graves of dead people are powerful, =
heart-wrenching political forces that should be examined with care."

Graves are indeed powerful. Will the US and even possibly the UK, Italians,
Poles, be asked to account for some allegedly theirs - wedding massacres,
Fallujah, Samarrah, Kufa, Najav, Kerbala, Baladi, Ramadi, Mosul spring to
mind with some question marks too over Basra. But maybe there are bad mass
graves and good mass graves. 'Political forces' indeed. However when US
troops are virtually excempt from accoutability, 'Freedom and democrocy'
gets more and more confusing. Best, all, felicity a.

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