Understanding the implications of enabling children to grow into healthy, happy, educated and inquiring adults, in safety and free from adversity.
Mindfulness’, the process of learning to become more aware of our ongoing experiences, increases well-being in adolescent boys, a new...
Society risks losing touch with reality in the debate about whether children are being exposed to adult, sexual content too young, because other...
It is widely believed that women live long post-reproductive lives to help care for their grandchildren. Now research suggests that the pattern may...
The Cambridge Primary Review, based at the University's Faculty of Education has published its final report on the condition and future of English...
A study has shown that over the last 20 years there has been a sharp decline in infant deaths during delivery for pregnancies which went to term. The...
A complex interplay of prenatal and postnatal factors determines the risk of childhood obesity and diabetes during later life.
New research shows that it's not just having conversations with children that matter, it's the quality of the content.