Professor Paul Cartledge finds that the Greeks, a people rarely known for their wine-making skills, nevertheless laid the foundations for the...
The collapse of Greek democracy 2,400 years ago occurred in circumstances so similar to our own it could be read as a dark and often ignored lesson...
With the curtains just closed on the 40th Cambridge Greek Play since the 1880s, Greek classicist Simon Goldhill reflects on how this creative genre...
A famous tree that has given pleasure to generations of staff and students at a Cambridge college is being celebrated in a new presentation book.
Denmark tops the bill in a European happiness survey – but Britain is gloomier than most of its EU peers
What distinguishes a drug from food? Laurence Totelin traces the emergence of a definition in ancient Greece.
Food safety is a growing problem. The number of reported food poisoning cases in the UK has increased in the past 25 years from 23,000 to 80,000...