An image from an experiment in the quantum optics laboratory in Cambridge. Laser light was used to excite individual tiny, artificially constructed atoms known as quantum dots, to create “squeezed” single photons

Scientists "squeeze" light one particle at a time

01 September 2015

A team of scientists have measured a bizarre effect in quantum physics, in which individual particles of light are said to have been “squeezed” – an achievement which at least one textbook had written off as hopeless.

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Images recorded in the electron microscope showing the formation of a nickel silicide (NiSi2) nanoparticle (coloured yellow) in a silicon nanowire

New technique to synthesise nanostructured nanowires

16 July 2015

Researchers have developed a new method for growing ‘hybrid’ crystals at the nanoscale, in which quantum dots – essentially nanoscale semiconductors – of different materials can be sequentially incorporated into a host nanowire with perfect junctions between the components.

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