Cambridge ReseARch Trail
A new augmented reality trail is showcasing the world leading research of the University of Cambridge in a new light

Step inside some augmented reality sculptures as you walk through the city and discover more about some of the research taking place here at the University of Cambridge.

The trail will take you past Colleges and Departments as well as a trip past The Eagle pub where Francis Crick and James Watson announced they had "discovered the secret of life" after they had come up with their proposal for the structure of DNA.
Head up to Trinity College and step inside Professor Stephen Hawking's time travel party and hear the wonders of AA Milne's Winnie the Pooh. If the gardens of Trinity are open, why not pop in and place the Winnie the Pooh AR sculpture outside the Wren Library which Milne's manuscripts are kept.

Walk a bit further up to St John's College and explore the pioneering breast cancer research of Dr Jean Abraham.
Head towards the Downing Site and to the Department of Social Anthropology to learn more about Dr Kelly Fagan Robinson's work which focuses on the senses, disability, communication and social access.
While you're on the Downing Site to the Department of Psychology and learn about brain waves and the work of Professor Zoe Kourtzi who's work aims to understand the role of learning and experience in enabling humans of all ages to translate sensory experience into complex decisions and adaptive behaviours.
While at the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience on the same site, explore how human embryo-like models created from stem cells to understand earliest stages of human development.

Download the app, "Cambridge AR Trail", from the relevant app store or scan the QR codes on posters at each location to get exploring now.
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