The University & College Union (UCU) is engaged in a national marking and assessment boycott as part of its dispute with university employers over pay and working conditions.

This page provides links to more detailed information about the impact of the boycott as it relates to the University of Cambridge for incoming students, employers and others outside of the University. Current students should view our student FAQs on the University’s internal webpages for the latest news about the boycott.

Incoming students

Please see the latest information on the marking and assessment boycott provided by the Cambridge Admissions helpdesk.


Please see information for employers on the Careers Service website.


Ceremonies marking the end of studies will take place on the dates previously scheduled for General Admission (28 June to 1 July) and Congregations on 21 and 22 July. All finishing students will be able to take part in these ceremonies, alongside the formal degree ceremony, even if there is a delay to the publication of some results. The University and Colleges are in touch with students to explain how these events will run.

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