Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq


For information on Iraq since May 2003, please visit

CASI Conference 2001:

Policy Alternatives to Sanctions on Iraq

10-11 March 2001
Cambridge, UK

[main conference page]


CASI is pleased to announce that it will be holding a public Conference entitled Policy Alternatives to Sanctions on Iraq in Cambridge (England) on the weekend of March 10 and 11, 2001.

The Conference will examine how the international community could feasibly lift economic sanctions without jeopardising regional or international security. It will also inquire into the effects an end to economic sanctions would have on Iraq's internal humanitarian situation. While the Foreign Office claims that those of us opposing the continuation of economic sanctions can offer no coherent alternative, we are moving the debate forward to confront the real policy options facing the world's leaders. The final session will open a debate on how the current political stalemate between the major players in the UN can be broken.

The Conference will be addressed by experts from a variety of disciplinary and occupational backgrounds, as listed below. Biographical information about each speaker is available.

Husayn Al-Shahristani, Chairman of Iraqi Refugee Aid Council
Abbas Alnasrawi, University of Vermont
Siamand Banaa, Kurdistan Regional Government's Representative in the UK
Chris Doyle, Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding
Soraj Hagi, Lecturer and formerly a project director at Human Rights Watch
Eric Herring, Dept of Politics, Bristol University
George Joffé, Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge
Rehana Kirthisingha, Programme Officer from Christian Aid's Middle East Team
Kamil Mahdi, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter
Alistair Millar, Vice President, Fourth Freedom Forum
William Morris, Next Century Foundation.
Tim Niblock, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, Exeter University
Michael Schneider, Lalive & Partners, Geneva
Charles Tripp, School of Oriental and African Studies

Note: On Saturday 3rd March, Hans von Sponeck, who had previously confirmed that he would be speaking at the conference, informed us that he would in fact be unable to attend as he will be in Iraq. We apologise for this change, which was entirely beyond our control.

The Conference is open to all those interested in the future of Iraq and its people.

Details of CASI's previous conference in November 1999 are available elsewhere on this website. Copies of the published proceedings are still available.


The conference sessions will take place in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College, Trinity Street, Cambridge, England.


A provisional programme is available, however please note that alterations may be made to this programme between now and the conference.

The start times of each day are as follows. On Saturday 10th March, registration will be from 9.30am and the first session will begin at 10:30am. On Sunday 11th March, the first session will begin at 9am.

Bookings and further details

Places at the conference can be booked at the following prices (food & accommodation not provided):


one day only

both days

Full price







To make a booking, please send a cheque payable to Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq for the correct amount to CASI, c/o Seb Wills, Clare College, Cambridge CB2 1TL. Please include your full contact details, including an email address if possible. For single-day tickets, remember to state which day you wish to come. We will confirm your booked by post or by email.

For booking enquiries, contact or telephone Seb Wills on 01223 xxxxxx (evening/weekends) or 01223 xxxxxx (office hours), or 07720 xxxxxx (mobile). [out of date contact details removed - you can contact CASI here]

UPDATE: 6pm FRIDAY EVENING, 9th MARCH: Saturday is now fully booked. A few places remain for Sunday: to book one of them call Seb Wills on 07720 716556.

Useful information

The links in this section are all to external sites and are provided for your convenience only.

Maps & travel


We can provide 'crashpad' accommodation (i.e. space on a hard floor with no facilities!) for those attending the conference on a budget. Please let us know if you intend to use this option.

For those in search of something more comfortable, the following links may be of use:

Contact Details

If you have any queries, please contact CASI.


This archive site is hosted by the Iraq Analysis Group, to whom queries should be directed