Professor Susan J. Smith, former Professor of Geography and a Director of the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University and current Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge, will give this year's Tanner Lectures this evening.

Professor Smith’s research spans two decades and three continents, mainly concentrating on housing issues such as residential segregation, victimization and fear of crime, and housing for health.

Another branch of her research examines the economic impact of housing market.

In her two lectures she will address the question “Care-full markets – Miracle or Mirage?” – whether it is possible to reconcile two issues in housing: those of the ethics of care and market-dominated economies.

They will take place this evening at the Auditorium, Robinson College and will begin at 5pm. Open to all, free, booking required. Tickets are given out on a first-come, first- served basis from Clare Hall Porters' Lodge, enquiries 01223 332 360.

In her first lecture, “Moral Maze: dealings in debt”, Smith will talk about a subject relevant to the recent financial crisis – that of debt and how it functions within three different markets: housing, mortgage, and financial.

She will also attempt to justify the existence of lending and borrowing schemes.

The second lecture, “Ethical investment? Attending to assets”, will weigh up four visions for housing’s financial future and argues that the only way that damage associated with ownership-centred housing systems can be repaired, is through drastic changes and distancing from the status quo.

The Tanner respondents’ session will take place tomorrow, 4th November, in the Umney Theatre, Robinson College between 9.30am and 1pm. Open to all, free, no booking required.

Kate Barker, CBE, former member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee; leader of two major policy reviews concerning housing supply, and land use planning, will ask whether “The housing market can be changed to protect us from ourselves”

Professor Marja Elsinga, expert in comparative housing and welfare and leader of two different comparative projects for the European Commission will talk about “Changing logics in housing: on affordability, risk and responsibility”, that is housing systems and (welfare) inequality.

Professor Gavin Wood, Professor of Housing and Urban Studies at RMIT University and a member of the International Editorial Advisory Board of Urban Studies and Housing Studies, will combine his research interests in urban economics, housing finance and labour economics to talk about “Wealth accumulation in housing: new issues for public policy in the 21st century”.

Matthew Bullock, former Director of Barclays Banking Division, and Managing Director of BZW and Barclays Capital; member of numerous government and academic boards, will talk about “Financial and other markets – how well do they gel.”

The Tanner Lectures are held annually, organised by Clare Hall, the international graduate college.

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